Man in open field at sunset

Top Reasons a Cremation Is More Affordable

More and more Americans are opting for cremation as part of their after life wishes. And, the reason is clear: the cost. Affordable cremations reduce the financial burden on your family members after your death. And, with pre-payment options, most trusted cremation providers offer an inexpensive way to cover your burial costs well before the time comes. Here are the top reasons why choosing an affordable cremation over a traditional burial is becoming a growing trend.

Skip the Funeral Costs

A traditional funeral and burial can cost upwards of $12,000 or more. And, if you have not saved up for this event, the cost for the casket alone can set your loved ones back $3,000 or more. Cremations reduce the overall cost of burial significantly, with the final costs being less than 40% of the cost of a funeral. Depending on the cremation provider, an affordable cremation can cost anywhere from $600 to $3,000.

Longer Notice to Plan

When a loved one dies, a funeral is typically held within 5-7 days. This can be a short turnaround time when you have to plan a funeral and coordinate for family members to travel. With a cremation, the timeframe is significantly lengthened. Your family can plan a memorial service and have ample time to allow for travel for out-of-state relatives. Not only does this take the stress and pressure off of your loved ones from turning around a funeral in less than a week, the added costs associated with last minute travel is reduced or eliminated.

Save Up for a Memorial Service

Paying for the cost of embalming and a funeral service can be stressful for your loved ones, especially if they have not saved enough for your funeral costs. With an affordable cremation, your memorial service can be planned over time without the rush for money to pay for everything in under a week. In some cases, family members may be able to pay for a cremation and then save money to have an elaborate memorial event later. This also allows your loved ones time to select an affordable vendor, invite family members and honor your wishes without undue costs.

Skip a Traditional Burial Plot

Most people who are cremated have their ashes stored in an urn or spread at one of their favorite locations. Either way, this eliminates the need for a burial plot. Depending on your selected cemetery and burial plot, skipping this tradition can save you between $750-$2,500. Your ashes can also be divided among your loved ones allowing them their own unique way to memorialize you.

Making the decision to be cremated can be a delicate decision to make. If you’re considering a cremation for a loved one, the friendly and knowledgeable staff here are happy to help.

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Published On: October 23rd, 2017Categories: Cremation Planning