News Stories Highlight Value of Trustworthy Cremation Provider

As cremation becomes a more common end-of-life option, more and more news stories are popping up about improper handling of cremated remains. A few of these recent news stories illustrate just how bad things are when you don’t work with a reputable, trustworthy cremation provider. Educate yourself about the potential risks involved in selecting a cremation provider, and make sure you choose a company whose reputation you trust with your loved one’s final disposition.

Family Sues Macon Funeral Home Over Son’s Cremation

Last month, a family in Macon, Georgia filed a lawsuit against a funeral home alleging that they were coerced into agreeing to cremate their son. In the lawsuit, the family says that the funeral home deceived them, saying that their son could not be transported to Florida for burial and funeral services. Beyond this coercion, though, the lawsuit also says that the family instructed the funeral home that they wanted to be present during the cremation, but when they arrived to witness the cremation, the body had already been cremated.

The poor family in this incident was unable to say goodbye to their son in the way they wanted, and when they made alternate arrangements, they didn’t even get to be present for the closure and comfort they so desperately needed.

Iowa Funeral Home Erred in Cremation

In another troubling cremation error, the Iowa Board of Mortuary Science recently cited a funeral home for completing a cremation without proper authorization. Documents released by the state licensing board reveal that an intern performed an unauthorized cremation on a deceased individual. The funeral home denied the allegation, but accepted the formal citation for the incident.

It’s unclear if the funeral home cremated the wrong set of remains, or simply made a clerical error in failing to request the appropriate permit. In either case, this incident demonstrates an appalling lack of oversight of an untrained intern, and the lack of care that some facilities take with the remains entrusted to their care.

Work with a Trusted Cremation Provider

With these sorts of news stories appearing, it’s clear that families must select a trustworthy cremation provider when planning end-of-life services. When you’re considering potential cremation providers, check out the testimonials and look for an organization with a solid reputation. Your cremation provider should be able to answer all of your questions about the process, including legal requirements and the ability to transport your loved one across state lines if you so desire.

Selecting a cremation provider that offers extra peace of mind, like a chain-of-custody process or other safeguards to ensure that your loved one’s remains are handled properly, makes all the difference in having a positive experience or having the cremation turn into a nightmare for your family.

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Published On: June 10th, 2014Categories: Cremation Planning